Wednesday 19 February 2014

Exam Fever+ Final Tattoo Decision! - Wish me luck!

Hey loves! 
I miss you all! :(
My stupid exams are coming up and I could just scream out load.
I haven't been able to write a post and everything just goes into draft because I'm always traveling or studying, or ofcourse at a Rotaract Club project. 
I've got tons of crazy posts coming your way as soon as my exams get over and I'm a tension free lukkha :p 

Studying is making me sick inside and I am dying to burn all my books! (Or just pass them down to juniors). Damn, how dramatic can my life be at this moment? 
I've been down with constant fever and been so weak all along that I just cannot study anymore. But oh well, it's just something I've gotta get over with!

This post is going to be really short. So coming down to the best part - I've finally decided my tattoo! 
It's hands down the sword with a gold vine. My parent's names in symbols.
However, the place where the sword is held, the circular knob sort of a thing... That's going to be replaced by a red heart.
So it's a combination of two of my most-wanted designs!
And I'm getting it on my nape. Sounds a bit scary, but it feels safer there!
So all I gotta do is collect enough money and it's inked ! :D (oh pocket money)

I'm going to be back in a snap! Waiting for these exams to end!
Wish me luck - I need it!
Virtual hugs to youu<3
Lots of love,

(Its exciting for us 16 year olds :P)


  1. All the best for your exams,,Give your best…


    1. Thanks hun <3
      They went well :D
